So 2012 is over. We did it. Good job team. I know most of you probably made resolutions for the past year and I can also assume that the majority of you probably didn't keep them, which is fine, I completely understand, you'll get em next year champ. So the problem with resolutions is we try to cut out things that we really like, stuff that come January 10th we are making every excuse in the book to help convince ourselves that it's OK if we cheat a bit and by February 10th we've used one of those Men in Black memory eraser things to forget we ever made the resolution in the first place. Last year my resolution, for the blog, and for life, was to hike 100 miles. Which as many of you already know by following the blog, I successfully did. In fact I ended the year with 114.5 miles. Grunt birthday party sound effect noises inserted
here. So it comes time yet again to set a new goal for 2013. Should I keep it the same? Should I go crazy and double, triple, sextuple the number? Well in 2012 I would like to believe I did a lot of hiking, but if there is one thing I would change it would be the length of some of the hikes. Many of the hikes I did had low mileage, some just enough to be considered a hike. I have plenty of excuses for these hikes; the people I was with didn't want to hike that far, there wasn't enough time, I started to late in the day, chaffage. These are all valid excuses but I think in 2013 its time to ramp it up. So that being said and without going too crazy, my goal for 2013 is to hike 150 miles. But I would like to add something new this year to spice it up, and since my ultimate goal is to get more people interested in hiking, I'm adding an additional goal of 300 community miles. So having said that, I need volunteers. If you're interested I would need you to keep track of the hikes you went on, they can be with me or on your own, tally up the mileage from each hike and send it to me through email along with a brief (3-4 sentence) description of the hike.
- Hikes only count if they are on a trail. No walks on the road near your house or through the mall while shopping for UGGs.
- Use your hiking boots! this is a blog where I track the miles put on my boots, you should too!
- The Hike must be done in 2013. No past hikes can be used.
- The hike must be at least one mile, and you have to give an accurate (within reason) tally of the distance traveled.
- Take a picture, tag yourself on Facebook, Instagram it. Something to prove you were there, not just for me but for yourself. And if you don't have a smartphone that's ok, you'll be doing a lot of hiking anyways since cars haven't been invented in your time period.
- You have to have fun. No excuses.
My goal is to reach 300 total miles from everyone's combined hiking, but since I have no limit on the amount of people who can participate that goal could be met and crushed, and I hope it will be. Along with the above requirements (which I may add a couple rules onto in the next few days) anyone who participates will be listed on the site with their brief descriptions and accumulated miles provided to me. And finally, to raise the stakes, the person who hikes the most (75 mile minimum) will get a new pair of hiking boots for 2014 ( up to $75). So please please participate and help me reach my goals this year, and spread a passion for hiking like pink eye through a public school. Do it, you know you want to.
End of 2012 stats:
- 32 Posts
- 1,819 page views
- 114.5 total miles (140.5 miles on the boots so far)
- Most popular post: Acadia National Park - Precipice Trail
Stay tuned for news about upcoming trips in 2013. Cheers!