So I realize it’s been pretty damn quiet on Wanderlust
lately, but I can assure you a lot is happening. The only good excuse I could
possibly have for not putting up posts is that I’ve been too busy exploring to
write anything up, and in this case that’s the truth. I’ve spent the better
part of the last three weeks hiking in New Hampshire, Exploring in Philadelphia,
and traveling in Texas/Oklahoma, and due to this I’ve had absolutely no time to
write a post. The bad news is I still haven’t had time to write up any summaries
from the trips in question. The good news on the other hand is that I have been
spending what little free time I have working on something for the blog. As a
preface to this project I bought a GoPro back in January in order to film some
of the trips and hikes I would be doing over the course of the year, some of the
footage has made it into the past few posts, but the fact of the matter is I
have hours of video from just about every trip I’ve done over the past 10
months and I’ve compiled all of it into a five minute video for the blog. The
reason being? This last year has been nothing short of amazing, and I’m
completely lucky to have such good friends and family who have supported me in
my quest to see and do literally everything. You’re the reason I made this
blog, you’re the reason I’m able to go on all of these trips and experience all
of this awesome stuff, so friggen thank you all for allowing me on short
notice, without much information, in all manner of weather conditions, to
convince you to go on whatever crazy adventure I happen to have planned, you
guys are awesome. And hopefully you have all enjoyed yourself too. All sappy shit aside, enjoy the video, and
please, please keep joining me for the ride.
P.S. If you’re wondering why I made this video in October
and not the end of the year it’s because I’m impatient and require instant
gratification when I think of an idea. Deal with it. Also keep doing stuff with
me for the rest of 2012.
Without Further Ado: Wanderlust 2012
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